产品名称:Sodium diehromate
产品类别:Sodium diehromate

Sodium bichromate

Molecular Formula: Na2Cr2O72H2O
Molecular weight: 298.00
Character: This product is orange prism crystal, de watering and becoming brown non-water matter with temperature 84.6℃. It is easy to adsorbed moisture and dissolved into water and not dissolved into alcohol, having high moisture absorption and strong oxidizability, Connecting with organic substance and causing infiammaction. It must be stored in hermeticallysealed chamber. This product has toxicity.
Usage: Sodium Bichromate has widespread use. It is mainly used for making chromium trioxide and other chromirm products, and for metal moist, electroflate comusim, mordunt clyeing woolens, antirot aood, bleached grease, tan hides etc, also for synthetize perfume medicine, dye industry oxidizer.





High-class First-fate Qualified
Sodium Bichromate(Na2Cr2O72H2O ) %≥ 99.3 98.3 98.0
sulphate (SO4) %≤ 0.20 0.30 0.40
chloride (Cl) %≤ 0.10 0.10 0.20
Packing & Caution: Inside lead drum lining plastic bag or soft-package. It must have clear mark on package such as “strong oxidizability”, “toxicity”, “dampproof”. Don’t be touched organic substance and dewatering or dampproof through carriage.
Copyright:tianjin mingyang chemical industry co.,ltd